Monday, January 21, 2008

Gossip Folks

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Now that school is back in session from Christmas/Winter Break, classes have changed for the new semester for some of you, and for others, some may have returned to school sporting something new from the Christmas gift pile. Since things can change a LOT over break times, gossip definitely follows. So, that girl in fourth period is whispering behind your back and you know for a fact because your BFF gave you the low-down; what should you do? I mean, you could go ahead and spin her face, but what good is gonna come from that besides three days of lock down in In-School Suspension/Restriction or havin' your moms rip you a new one? There is a better way to deal with gossip than fighting or biting back with another rumor. Check out three ways to thwart gossip girls.

1. Do Some Investigating. Try to get to the bottom of the rumor if you can. Ask your girls to do a little undercover, private eye work for you. The stories could stem from something that actually happened but got twisted in the process. Or, it could be that something fabulous happened to you over the break and people are hating.

2. Stay Calm. Getting overly hype about a fake story only causes more kids to talk about your reaction and spread even more rumors about what you said or did in response to the rumor. Try your best to keep your cool, which is easy for a classy chick like you, and keep it moving. 

3. Enjoy it. We know it sounds crazy, but being the It Girl at school is status, for real. Because of the gossip, everyone wants to know what you're doing, who you're with, and, dang, what you're eating in the caf for lunch. Ride the wave and enjoy the fact that people are blowin' you up with friend requests on MySpace.

Those are a few ways to deal with pesky gossip from girls in class that are hating. Listen, everyone can't always keep their game on point, so they have to talk about you and your fine self to make themselves feel better. Take in stride and you'll be back to your normal routine in no time. 

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